List of commonly used abbreviations
Q. What are abbreviations?
Ans. Abbreviation meaning is a shortened form of any word in mostly in discussion. Abbreviations save our much time during writing or speaking in a discussion.
Q. What are commonly used abbreviations?
Ans. Abbreviations which are used in our daily lives.
For example: We use no. instead of number, so no. is a abbreviation of number.
Also we use min instead of minimum and minute. Min. is a abbreviation of minimum and minute.
Abbreviation are very much important to remember because we use it instead of large syllable words. Abbreviations are mostly used in formulas, equations, measuring units such as kilogram(kg), milliliter(ml), kilometer(km), etc.
We use abbreviation in the purposes of baking at home, measurements, formulas, locations, directions, academic and job titles, social media, etc.
As you can see below the list of commonly used abbreviations.
*Important Abbreviations*
List of abbreviations for students:
- POLICE: Public Officer for Legal Investigations and Criminal Emergencies.
- VIP: Very Important Person.
- SHO: Station House Officer.
- BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation.
- CID: Criminal Investigation Department.
- CSP: Civil Service of Pakistan.
- CSS: Central Superior Services.
- FANA: Federally Administered Northern Areas.
- FATA: Federally Administered Tribal Areas.
- GDP: Gross Domestic Product.
- GHQ: General Head Quarter.
- FIR: First Information Report.
- IBM: International Business Machines.
- ISPR: Inter Services Public Relation.
- ISSB: Inter Services Selection Board.
- NOC: No Objection Certificate.
- OIC: Organization of Islamic Conference.
- PCS: Public Service Commission.
- SAARC: South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation.
- SSG: Special Services Group.
- UNICEF: United Nation International Children Emergency Fund.
- WASA: Water and Sanitation Agency.
- ISAF: International Security Association Force.
- LPG: Liquefied Petroleum Gas.
- CNG: Compressed Natural Gas.
- ECG: Electrocardiography.
- RAM: Random Access Memory.
- LASER: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emmission of Radiation.
- RADAR: Radio Detection and Ranging.
- AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
- WWW: World Wide Web.
- DNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid.
- SONAR: Sound Navigation and Ranging.
- CPU: Central Processing Unit.
- LCD: Liquid Crystal Display .
- kHz: Kilohertz.
- KV: Kilo Volt.
- NADRA: National Database and Registration Authority.
- LED: Light Emitting Diode.
- HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
- RNA: Ribonucleic Acid.
- TEAM: Together Everyone Achieve more.
- R.I.P: Rest in peace
- Temp. Temperature
List of commonly used abbreviations are above and we will upload other abbreviations here . Because our blog will always reflects important things you free of cost.
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