Shortcuts of Microsoft Word 2010|DigitalWorldEdu

  Today we are going to learn new shortcuts of Microsoft Word 2010. If you want to learn online Microsoft office 100% free with certificate then click here.

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There are some important shortcuts of Microsoft Word 2010.MS Word shortcut keys PDF are available you can comment for Pdf.

Important Shortcuts of Microsoft Word 2010

  • Pressing the windows key + R together launches the run box, and typing winword and clicking ok in the run box opens MS Word.

  • To download a template from is simple click on new in the back stage and all of the templates are available just choose one a select the download option under its preview.

  • To convert text to a table you select the text you want to convert to a table and then on the insert tab select table and choose convert text to table option from the drop down.

  • You can crop a picture to shape you simply select the picture and in the Picture tools tab click on the drop-down arrow below the crop button and select crop to shape, finally choose a shape you want.

  • Holding down Ctrl and dialling the mouse wheel forward zooms you in and dialling the wheel back the ways zooms you out, if you have selected an object or piece of text you will be zoomed into that selection. 

  • The find and replace tool lets you find a spelling and replace it with what you want, you can search through a replace individually or replace all at once.

  • To show or hide the ribbon you can press Ctrl + F1 to hide or show the ribbon, or you can double click on any tab except the file tab.

  • To add checkboxes to your document you select checkbox content control from the developer tab. The developer tab is not enabled by default, you need to right click on the ribbon an customise it to add in the developer tab

  • To create a Table of contents in Word you need to have applied heading styles to your headings and subheadings, to insert your table you select the references tab and in the left-hand corner of the ribbon the first option should be table of contents click on it and select a style for your table.

  • To view what styles are currently applied to text in your document you can select the text and look in the styles group on the home tab, which should highlight the current style or you can the arrow at the bottom right of the styles group which will open the styles task pane which will give you a list of styles and highlight the current one used for your current position in the document.

  • If you select insert table of contents instead of choosing a style when you go to insert a table of contents, you can customise the headings and styles the table will use, and add in your own custom styles for the table to pick up on.

  • You can use the outline view found in the view tab, to set headings and subheadings, while in outline view select your heading and in the outlining tools group in the outlining tab you can set the level of your selection using the drop-down box.

  • You can change the table of contents style by opening the styles task pane and making your way to the tables styles normally ladled TOC 1, TOC 2 etc. select the style you want to format and click the arrow to the right of it and select modify from the drop down.

  • A keyboard shortcut is a way to save time by using your keyboard instead of your mouse.

  • There are two types of shortcuts keys access keys and key combinations.

  • Access keys are for getting to tabs and menus typically they start with the Alt key. Key combinations access commands directly usually the start with the Ctrl key.

  • One of the most common and useful key combinations is save, you press Ctrl + s to save a document. 

  • For using access key, you press Alt and key tips will appear on the ribbon which so your which key to press to select an item. Alternative option is to use the arrow keys or tab key or both after pressing Alt to navigate through the ribbon to select the option you want. When you have found an option, you want to select press the enter key to select it.

  • A dialog box can be navigated through with the tab key and arrows, you can also hold down the alt key and press a letter corresponding to an underlined letter in dialog box option to select that option.

  • There is a key combination for just about everything you can do, the main drawback to key combinations is there are too many to remember, so you should only try to remember to ones you will use.

  • Some of the most common key combinations; Ctrl + z : undo, Ctrl + s : save, Ctrl + c : copy, Ctrl + v : paste.
  • You can often find out the key combination for a command by hovering the mouse cursor over the command and reading the screen tip.
MS Word shortcut keys PDF is available.
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Naveed Narain

Hey everyone, I am Naveed Narain from Sindh Pakistan. I am very interested in Digital World that's why I am working on this blog for you to share all education about Digital World and social networking. I will fully try to share everything useful, beneficial and unique with you.


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